Best hosts for clowns - do Xenias host clowns?


I am a noob here and do not have any corals as of yet. I have two percula clowns and a firefish in my 20G. I would like to add some corals to the tank. What would be good hosts for clowns as well as look great, have good color, and spread?


I've never heard of Xenias hosting clowns.
I've heard of some people having success with Frogspawns hosting clowns but if your clowns were tank raised they might not host anything at all.


Originally Posted by floods7 http:///t/389927/best-hosts-for-clowns-do-xenias-host-clowns#post_3449546 about xenias hosting clowns.
Would I be ok with purple elegance?
Huh... whaddya know! The thing I love about this hobby is how you can litterally learn something new about it after you think you know there is all there is to know haha!
I agree with Gemmy regarding the Elegance though... they are fragile and tough to keep happy... I don't think you want a clown bothering an Elegance IN ADDITION to all the other issues an Elegance has to put up with just to survive in a tank.
If you like Xenias then I say go for it!
Xenias have their own issues though but they're cool IMO and if you like them to put up with their downsides, then give it a shot! :D