Best interesting fish for a 20 gal DT??


OK, I posted that thread in the new hobbyist forum.... No good responses...
I have a well stocked 90 gal...
I want to start a 20 gal on the side with a couple of interesting/colorful/lively fish....
What do you recommend??


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth


Active Member
Depends on your idea of interesting, I guess. If you want it to be interesting for other people (who don't normally get to see saltwater fish) it would be hard to go wrong with a pair of clowns.


Active Member
Stary Blennie
Purple Firefish
GB Maroon Clown
Sixline wrasse
Should be PLENTY of Character in a small tank without anyone butting heads.
IMO of course


Active Member
I think you should get two Yellow Tangs...
j/k, anyone have a heart attack on that one? (Tang Police)
I would go with a firefish, pair of false percs, CB shrimp


Maybe a Jewel Damsel. I know damsels are annoying but these are really nicely colored and if you add it last it might not be so agressive. Just a thought