Best kind of Garlic Supplement?


What is the best garlic supplement to use for feeding your fish with? My FLS uses Kent Garlic Xtreme, however they don't have it stocked ever.... They do have some outrageously priced other junk that doesn't look as good. I couldn't find any garlic products at *****, and I guess my only other option is to buy online.
However, I was wondering if there is any way to make it myself? I looked on the back of the Kent Garlic bottle, said it was 99% garlic juice, and the 1% was for perservatives.... Can I somehow extract the juice from cloves of garlic and use it the same way as the storebought stuff?
Thanks in advance for the help


I have made some by using a blender. Just throw some garlic and water in there and blend. Strain the pulpy mixture in a coffee filter or cheese cloth. Use just the juice and NO garlic pieces.
It will last for quite a while. Just make sure you store it in something you don't care about it smelling for ever like garlic.
Much cheaper than any bought garlic.


Ahhhh, excellent! I work at a restaurant, I most likely won't even have to pay for freshly chopped garlic! :D I was hoping that the blender deal would work just fine... I don't exactly feel the need to pay $30 on an ounce of garlic paste, lol. Again, thanks so much for the help!


how much fresh garlic and how much water? how often do you do this? What exactly does this do for your tank?


When I've done this, I've used about 1 part garlic to 3 parts water...
That seems to make a pretty potent mixture, i'm sure you could go to 1 to 2 or even 1 to 1. Just might be a little harder to strain..
I only do it every so often, or when a fish needs something to boost its immune system. I did it upon the advice of other on this board when battling ich.