Best Large Angel For My Tank?


Active Member
My 110 gallon tank is in the middle of cycling and I was wondering....I will eventually want a large angel in the tank but I can't decide on which would be the best for my tank size....
Dimensions are 60x18x24. The other inhabitants will only be smaller fish such as clowns, gobies, etc...There will also be a blue tang and maybe a purple. Which angel would be the best match for this setup? Something not toooo shy but nothing overly aggresive...and something colorful...and most importantly, hardy!
TIA. :cool:


Maculosus Angelfish are a very hardy addition to any fish-only aquarium. You might want to try one of these, they get about 12"-13" long. They are a deep blue/purple with a yellow half-moon shape on either side of them. Koran Angelfish are also hardy. Whatever you do, do not add any dwarf angelfish in the tank with large angels present. Good Luck on your search!


Active Member
I would suggest a blue face or a queen angel. They are really good looking fish and change into the adult stage at smaller sizes so you can buy them smaller to start with. The queen can be a little bit on the aggresive side but should still do ok.


Active Member
Thanks for all the replys.
The Koran is a definate no... i simply do not find the fish appealing for the price tag it would carry.
I was very interested in a Blueface like was suggested but I have heard they are very shy angels and like to hide in the rockwork often....I'd prefer an angel that would be out and about more swimming around. Blueface is still however a very strong possibility.
A queen angel...Wouldn't it get too big for my tank? Maybe I'm wrong but from my research, I've learned they need very large tanks because they grow quite big and quickly....Someone else please comment on a queen....I'd be like a pig in $h1t if I had a queen angel :p
Some others I've been looking at:
Grey Angel
Anyone have any other/more opinions? Please chime in!
P.S. What would be the ideal stocking order for the tank....The angel first, or a tang first or what? I know if I add a purple he will be the very last addition to the tank and I know the very first fish going in will be a sebae clownfish. So besides that where should the others fit in? TIA again! :cool:


Active Member
I would agree that the bluefaced angels are shy, but they shouldn't be too bad once you start getting a few other fish in the tank for it to swim with, and it gets well acclimated. The queen angels can get large, but not any larger than most other angels. Mine is growing just as fast as my juv. emperor. I would add the angel before the tang... IMO. I have seen too many territorial tangs slash the sides of fish with their scalpel. A majestic would be a good addition as well as an emperor, but the adults are hard to find that aren't going to be too large for a 5 foot tank.


Active Member
If you want a bold fish that lets you pet it and has the best possible personality a fish can ever possibly have-GET AN EMPEROR!!!!!!!!!!


I have a blue face angel in my 280 gallon tank and it is out in the open most of the time. It is with a clown trigger, lionfish, and a bunch of other fish. If people walk by your tank a lot, the angel will become more bold.


Originally Posted by Batman1820
I have a blue face angel in my 280 gallon tank and it is out in the open most of the time. It is with a clown trigger, lionfish, and a bunch of other fish. If people walk by your tank a lot, the angel will become more bold.
doesn't your clown trigger beat up your lionfish. I've always heard triggers and lions are a no no.
I would suggest a juvi emporer. very colorful


New Member
What price range are you looking to be in? I go against everything that is taught and have many large angels together along with dwarfs in a 180. The Blueface is a nice fish a bit on the shy side. The Majestic is also a bit shy. As everyone has said a Emperor is a good choice. My Goldflake, Japanese BlueLine, Annualaris, Chrysurus and Personifer are out and about all the time. The Queen is another good choice just keep in mind that at some time you will need to get a bigger tank or trade the fish in to find a better home. Provide alot of hiding spaces for whichever you choose and this will make them feel a bit more comfortable. I have those with a powder blue and a blonde naso and a vlamingi tang which is being donated to a public aquarium as he has out grown his home. Best of luck with your choice


I don't think that you could have a tang and a large angel but you could just have the angel. You might want a smaller pomacanthus angel as a 110 gallon is too small for some of the larger ones. Maculosus angels are nice and hardy and have cool coloration and are reasonably priced. Blue angels are very beautiful and are pretty hardy, but they do get 15 inches long. They are also very reasonably priced. Whatever you decide to do, let us know!


an emperor or koran are gonna suit you the best with the size tank you have unless you know you are gonna go bigger. if you do decide to go bigger a queen is the perfect angel to have. it's great looking, big personality, and not shy at all. mine is always swimming all over the tank. always hungry too, but that's because they are grazers.