Best LED Lunar Light Color



Blue or White: Any pics of their tanks using either on or both would be appreciated
I wanted to do a poll on this but couldnt figure it out.


Active Member
Blue, I hate the way the white looks, I have both on my sunpod light over my twelve gallon and only use blue.


Originally Posted by petjunkie
Blue, I hate the way the white looks, I have both on my sunpod light over my twelve gallon and only use blue.

I really like having them both on my old Sunpod. Now i only have blue

If it was one or the other, i would choose blue. If possible get a mix of both


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Definately blue. Especially when you can dimm them and make them brighter. Awesome.......
That is how mine are set up. It is pretty cool.



Active Member
I have the white in mine. I actually would have preferred the blue, though. I ended up buying a fixture that I didn't want over one I did, and for the life of me I can't even remember why.


Active Member
I'll be honest, i was insanely impressed with the pfo led lights at a club meeting recently. they have a computer that dims and brightens the lights based on the time of the day to replicate the sun going over a reef.


The blue 420nm - 460nm LED light is supposed to simulate true moon light. I have a 48-LED bar on my 55, and it looks nice at night. Gives me plenty of light to see what the night crawlers do after the fish go to bed. Hardly uses any electricity, and LED's last for years.


Active Member
I have six white LED and six blue LED on my MH Sunpod setup, and the blue looks awesome. I would post some pics for you but my carmera sucks and the pictures don't do the tank and lights justice. The white LED's are okay, but not necessary. What i've found is that i've tried to use them to replicate a transition between my MH and my blue LED's, but what happens is the lights are so dim that unless you have the room your tank is in pitch dark, you can't even tell they are on. The only time i can really tell is in the morning before the sun comes up.
Blue LED's are the way to go if you have a choice.


Thanks for all the it is.
How many to cover a 6' tank do you think I need?


Active Member
That is going to depend on a couple of things. How blue do you want it? Do you want the whole tank illuminated or just areas? What kind of lights are you going to be looking at?
I started with the R2 Solutions Extreme LED Tubes(5 LED's per tube), I have three of them, hooked to a auto-dimming controller. I like these a lot. I also, have four sets of 2 LED's from Current(cheaper), they are spliced into the other set, so I can dim these too. They are not as bright the R2's. I will replace the Current brand with the R2's(3 more should do it) sometime down the road. Oh, I have a 4' 120 gal, just to give you an idea. It lights up the tank pretty nicely, I run them on full power most of the time.