Best Light For Use W/salifert Testing


well ive been using salifert for a short time and ive noticed that under different types of light the color changes quickly or doesn't seem to change at all under others so can someone help me out on the right type of light to use im getting a little confused?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
This is just me but I find I get the best color for comparison when I dump the vile in my white bathroom sink hold the card in one hand dump and compare again this is just me


Active Member
I have the same issue with several test kits.
I finally told my wife I have to put a full-spectrum (really white, not incandescent-yellowish) CF bulb in one room to deal with it. Especially now that it's winter and daylight is at a premium.
I had one in the office in our old house, and did all the comparisons in there.


Originally Posted by gmann1139
I have the same issue with several test kits.
I finally told my wife I have to put a full-spectrum (really white, not incandescent-yellowish) CF bulb in one room to deal with it. Especially now that it's winter and daylight is at a premium.
I had one in the office in our old house, and did all the comparisons in there.
I will try this 1st