Blemmy why use eggcrate? If you have a uncovered refuge with a skimmer won't that give you good oxygenation? then you could cover the tank and save on evaporation.
thats a good thought but i dont use a fuge, just a wet/dry sytem, but its half open??? ill give it some thought, a little worried about it getting to hot between the glass and the water. todd
Hi, I have a 55 gal. I'm updating lighting on. Would Dual 175W 10k's plus my 2- 55watt pc's for actinics be enough for any kind of coral, or would I have to go Dual 250's? Thanks, Ali
Originally posted by mbrands
Blemmy - Can you send the info on your lighting to me too? I'm thinking about an upgrade.
Todd - Can you send me the info on your lighting?
Thanks again,
Originally posted by Blemmy_Guy
lol, your not a kiddin, since i put those new lights on im going thru about 5 gallons a week, from evaporation!!!! didnt expect that much. todd
time to invest in an auto- topoff system
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