best lighting for nightime viewing?



I am using a standard flashlight to try and view some of the night time creatures coming out. problem is, every time i spot one, he scurries away into one of the live rocks and all i see is a blurry little whatever it was...
What could i use in order to be able to see into the tank without disturbing the creatures? Would a red filter help? the deeper the red the better?


Active Member
i've heard a lot of people using blue LED rope lights that you can pick up at any radioshack. There is also a "moonlight" that is sold but I cant remember where. Try or maybe even champion lighting has one?HTH


Yes, Elan, a flashlight with a red filter will show your nighttime critters. Let us know what you find!


P.S. Wait a couple hours after lights out with total darkness, no hallway light, etc... and approach and move about the tank slowly. They can still be scared away...


I bought a roll of the red tape people use to repair broken taillights(at an auto parts store). Covered the lens of a mag-light.Sorry to say,I haven't seen anything exciting yet. LOL


you could always ask the army for a pair of night vision goggles but i think that will cost you to much. lol just kidding, i try to backlight it and move slowly trying not to spook anything.


night vision goggles... what a novel idea.... the price will probably pale in comparison to other neat nifty saltwater equipment
Neat idea with the night vision goggles. Spurrs a question - If I have a camcorder that has night vision, I should have no problem recording & taking pictures of any creatures I'll have in the tank at night, right??


Active Member

Originally posted by elan
night vision goggles... what a novel idea.... the price will probably pale in comparison to other neat nifty saltwater equipment

I don'tnow the last pair I had on my head carries a $2,300 price tag...and they were old. You can buy the night vision monocles pretty cheap though. I want to know who has pure NV on their camera? Do you work for a news company, or the military?
Maybe it's not "pure" night vision, but my sony camcorder can "see at night". I can also do a reddish "colored" night vision. I used it at an aquarium in Capetown S.A., on some deep water/ all black tanks. The fish never even flinched. It was really cool. And no, no news company or military - just a pharmaceutical company. :cool: