Best Live Rock


I an starting a 75 gal reef. I need lots of live rock. Ialraedy have 50lbs but would at least like another 50 to start with then i could add if I needed. Whats the best kind of live rock? Has anyone bought any from here how does it look? I dont want to spend a fortune on it though.
you can post reply or email me


Active Member
Yes I am, with a few modifications to their recipe like adding macaroni or crushed ice to create pores, and allowing it to cure properly before adding it to the tank. Crushed oyster shells can also be used to cut costs, you can get it at feed stores, a 50 LB is like $5. The rock can be used as base rock, or if there is adequate coralline growth the rock will look just like the stuff you have now in time. HTH


If you wish more info, you can e-mail me a . I am planning on setting up a 7 gallon bow-front tank in my home office near my computer, what kind of lighting, filtration are you using? Are you using a DSB, etc.


marshall island LR is awesome looking, I wish this site would carry it!
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[ September 22, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]