best looking background???


I just wanted to know some of your favorite backgrounds for your tanks. what looks better light or dark. Im still very new at this so i have no idea. Please share some pics to if you have them. Thanks


I spray painted the back of my tank black. the outside of course, and I let it sit for about a month after. looks great


Active Member
I used velcro strips along the top and bottom (don't show) and used black canvas. This way I can change it if I want to. I definately like the black though.


I painted the back of my tank blue using rustoleum and it looks great and could be done after trying various colors with the tank full.


I have a dark blue backround. I will take a picture of it tomorrow and post it. I can't really tell the difference between dark blue and black...looks the same to me. :p


My digi has failed me. I can't get this thing to take one decent shot. I think I need a new cam. In the mean time I took some with a regular SLR and will get them developed and scanned soon.


I found a blue contact paper at a local HW store. Its easy to apply, its not as permanent as spray paint, if you dont like just peel it off. :D


New Member
What I did for my 325 is went to frabric store. You wouldnt believe all the differnt kinds of backgrounds you can get for 2.00 to 5.00 a yard. Plus you can change when you get sick of it.
i too went to a hobby store and got a board with felt-like material thats dark blue. the felt adds some dimension to the background. i also like the fact its not permanent since i like to change things up from time to time. using strips of velcro is a good choice to stick the board to the tank.


There is a pretty cool screensaver out there that has a backround that changes color... download the shareware version and stare at it... when it gets to the color you like... that's the one you choose!
I'll try and find a link to it...
BTW - I watched for a long time and finally decided on black. Although tuquoise is very pleasent as well.