Originally Posted by MichaelTX
there are a ton of them.
bubbles, torches, frogspawns, sun corals, dendros, blasto's,galaxie,plate corals, brain corals, hammers,pearl, fix, candy canes,slipper, tongue, disk corals, moon corals, the list goes on. they are all great corals if your tank is stable with adaquit lighting and flow.
are theere any particular that you are looking at and if you post your tank setup and readings we can steer you inthe right direction.
transfering from my 55gal to a 75gal. Lighting will be VHO 36inch 95w x 2 and a T5 unit 2x39. My current tank has been running for about 7-8 years, havent tested in a couple weeks but last time I checked my readings were immaculate. (sp) The pump I am putting on the new sump is a Mag 9.5, i believe its about 1100 gph.