Best Macro Algea For My Application? Lookin For Advice Before I Make A Mistake!!!


Im lookin for some advice regarding macro's.
My current set up is 90g, but will be upgraded to 180g when I get back from school.
The reason I am asking is I want to put some living plants in my DT to make it more "crash proof" and stable while I go to school and my girlfriend is taking care of it. Mostly lookin for something to absorb all the nitrates and phosphates, to eleminate as much water changing as possible.
Which ever is recomeened the most will be permantly planted in my tank. It would be better is it was edable so my tang and foxface can eat it, and I would prune as nessary.
My LFS can special order me the following:
-Grape caulerpa
-Knife caulerpa/Razoz kelp
-Mermaid Fan
-Sea lettuce
-Shaving bush
-Spaghetti Algea
Which is better for my application?


I'm no macro expert but its been my understanding that the whole point is that they suck up nitrates and phospahtes but then you have to harvest them (cut them back and dispose of some) in order to remove those nutrients it's absorbed. If you just let your fish eat it you arent removing anything. As soon as he poops its going right back into the tank again.
It's not on your list, but I would vote that you get a little HOB refugium that you can put a bunch of cheato in and let it grow. Have you GF go in there like twice a month and cut some off and throw it away.
If you have a sump this would be even better as you can grow any of those macros in the sump (fuge) and keep it away from the fish. Again the most common macro if cheato. The second most common is caulerpa, but you have to be careful that it doesnt go sexual on you and destroy your tank. You have to harvest it regularly.


Active Member
Caulerpa can root in and be very nasty to get rid of. Some fish may pick at it but it's not very appetizing for fish to eat so I would personally stay away from that.
I have cheato in my sump and harvest as needed.