john r.
New Member
Hi all,
New to this site, but long time marine aquarist. I am getting back into the hobby and setting up a 58 gallon reef tank. The last texts I read on the topic were the two volume "The Reef Aquarium" set by Julian Sprung (1998), and Volume 1 of "Reef Fishes" by Scott Michael. What are the best current texts on the topic of reef aquariums that will bring me up to date on all new approaches developed over the last decade or so?
New to this site, but long time marine aquarist. I am getting back into the hobby and setting up a 58 gallon reef tank. The last texts I read on the topic were the two volume "The Reef Aquarium" set by Julian Sprung (1998), and Volume 1 of "Reef Fishes" by Scott Michael. What are the best current texts on the topic of reef aquariums that will bring me up to date on all new approaches developed over the last decade or so?