Best new books for reef systems

john r.

New Member
Hi all,
New to this site, but long time marine aquarist. I am getting back into the hobby and setting up a 58 gallon reef tank. The last texts I read on the topic were the two volume "The Reef Aquarium" set by Julian Sprung (1998), and Volume 1 of "Reef Fishes" by Scott Michael. What are the best current texts on the topic of reef aquariums that will bring me up to date on all new approaches developed over the last decade or so?


Hello, and welcome to the boards! The book that really helped me get started in the hobby was "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Saltwater Aquariums" It's more of a beginners' guide, but I remember it had a nice reef section.

small triggers

Active Member
The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists
The Complete Book of the Marine Aquarium
these arent specifically about reefs, they are about newer ideas,,, all having about the same take on things but a few hints in each.
The books by Julian Sprung are still really relevant and of course the book by Michael W Scott about the fish for a reef is good, also hes got 2 other books Marine Fishes and Marine Invertebrates both very helpful...
and then of course books just about corals....
Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History by Eric H. Borneman
Corals: A Quick Reference Guide (Oceanographic Series) by Julian Sprung
2 reall y good referances....


copyright 2009 - current : Reef Life Magazine
This magazine is awesome. I have every issue (all 4) and would highly recommend it.
Copyright 2008: The marine Reef Aquarium
This book is not geared toward the specific care of you livestock but more towards all the aspects of owning a saltwater reef aquarium. So easy to read and full of great information i bought it for my wife for when i deploy again.
Hope this helps