best overflow box


what is the best overflow box? I am looking for something that is quiet and flows a lot of water. any sugestions would be great


Lifereef are the best from what I hear. I got 2 of the Amiracles because I wanted the U tube design but didn't want to spend a lot of money.


Has anyone any experience w/ the Aquacrylics or CPR over flows? The Life reef Steveoutla suggests look well built but their flow rate seems a little low to me for 75 and up tanks???? The same money for a CPR will get you 1/2 again as much flow and the Aquacrylics is about the same flow but 1/2 the money?
Suggestions and experience?


Is that from experience? Their site states 700gph on the single at $99.95 and 1400gph on the double at $179.95. I'm seriously ineterested and will be purhasing soon.


Not from experience. I spent $34.00 each on the amiracles and bought 2 of them. They are the U tube overflows like the lifereef but a lot cheaper.


Active Member
The Amiracle overflow uses a design very similar to the Lifereef and can be had right now and for quite a bit less than the Lifereef.
The CPR design is often spoken of negatively on message boards, but if installed properly (using an Aqualifter pump) and maintained regularly, will work just as well as a Lifereef or Amiracle. The CPR's drawback is that it has one more point where failure could occur.
For what it's worth, I've used both of these overflows, and if I didn't have all of my tanks drilled, I wouldn't hesitate to use either of these overflows again.


Thanks for the advice, But Steve, where did you find your Amiracles for that Price? Cheap as I have found is $45.


bros, if you bullet proof a CPR it can work very well. The Lifereeef for the money is the best hands down though. If you already bought a CPR, there are things you can do to help lower the risk. All it takes though is one snail to pull the tube from the powerhead that connects to the siphon

, and presto! Instant ocean all over your carpet. If you have a CPR take the

out of the acrylic and then epxoy it in. It can pop out. Also, epoxy your airline tube to the

and to the power head. These are the biggest weak points. If any point in the connection from the power head to the unit fails, your carpet will be very soggy. Also, if you do these mods, have a reversing PH to back gunk out of the siphon

that gets stuck in there. It's easier to buy the right one the first time.


A soggy carpet would just be an excuse for my wife to go out and spend a few thousand on new. I think I'll pass on the CPR. How about the major differences between the Amiracle and the Lifereef?


Active Member
I wouldn't spend the money on a CPR... Anything I have to use another device to keep the system clear of air isn't worth the money.JMO


New Member
hi, I was doing a search engine check and came across this post, I bet you can tell by the name who I'd recommend...
Russ, the owner and pretty much the entire business, has optimized the design over the past ten years and is an amazing craftsman. He makes everything himself and his overflow can honestly suck some water-- over 700gph on a 150gallon with a mag9. If you have any questions at all send an e-mail to or instant message aol user aquacrylics and either me(peter) or russ will help you out.


New Member
I have the aquacrylic overflow and it is amazingly quiet. I was going to get one from my LFS but everyhting he has on his tanks sound like niagara falls. I was very impressed with the workmanship and the price. JMO


I am a firm believer in the Best Overflow is one you make yourself. I am building mine right now and am having No peoblems.

dr reef

For all the people who use cpr overflows dont use a powerhead use an aqua lifter. Even cpr tells you to use it. It works great. Its all out of the water. no worry


Aquacrylic and bigtime - you guys do make great salesman.

I just set up my Amiracles with a durso pipe and the only complaint I have is trying to get a seal on the bulkhead fitting. I finally figured out that you can't have any pressure on the fitting or it will let out a slow drip. Other than that it's quiet as can be.