Best Place For Live Rock


Where is the best place to buy live rock I have a 30 gallon tank that I want to make into a reef tank. Where should I get the rock and how much 30lb-30gallon? I have crushed coral as the substrate now.


Active Member
lbs of lr 1-2 lbs per gal.
if you dont want it from the lfs and you go with the online deal this site isnt bad but all the places i have seen have some skimpy coarl line groth along with skimpy groth all together like sammy said the other day watch out for the acultured stuff because the bad usually out ways the good as far as life on the rock goes a good example would be mantis shrimp on the rock


Some folks will post an email address so they can get site specific info without publishing it on the board. Others may infer about a site for instance I rememeber getting some good, relatively inexpensive live rock from a place on the east coast that sells clams. Although this is also sometimes considered questionable.
Good luck,