Best Place to buy external pumps?


Active Member
Anyone know of a place to buy an iwaki MD40RLT and a Dart sequence pump? Prices I am getting seem a tad bit high.


Active Member
Dude you know you can't ask this question here

Let me answer this way... If you are paying more than about $230 for a Dart and $275 for the Iwaki, you are paying too much. Those prices there are about average.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Heck I'm pretty sure local here you can get a Dart for about $180-190.
Geez then I'm moving to PA.
A mag 9.5 is about $85 online, but her locally, the cheapest I've seen them is $150.


Active Member
I am still researching but what do you think of these pumps? If you had to choose between the pumps, which one, or reconmend another. It will be on a 190g tank
Amp Master Dolphin 4700


Active Member
Is this for a return pump or a closed loop? I wouldn't recommend either sequence pump for return duty.


Active Member
Hummm Here is my current set up that works great. I use a dart for my return pump on my 215.
I am going to do the same setup for this tank. What do you recommend?

al mc

Active Member
Personally I would go with something like a Hammerhead and divert any 'excess' gphs into a refugium or back into the sump. Of the three pumps you listed I would go with the Barracuda.


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Originally Posted by SCSInet
Is this for a return pump or a closed loop? I wouldn't recommend either sequence pump for return duty.
Why's that SCSInet? Never had any issues with the Sequence pumps on returns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Why's that SCSInet? Never had any issues with the Sequence pumps on returns.
It's not sequence itself, it's that I wouldn't recommend THOSE sequence pumps for returns. The low speed series pumps don't do well with head pressure. Lots of people do use them for return duty, but that's not really what they are intended for, so it's hard on the pumps and wasteful of output.


Active Member
I've had a long discussion with Sequence people as well, and they don't have an issue when you call them for their recommendations on pump use, duty, an application.....You just need to give them your system specs.....A waste for most tanks possibly, but I can't see big 300-400 plus gallon systems running on anything other....Submersibles just wouldn't cut it IMO.


Active Member
SCSInet how much head are we talking as well? I wouldn't use the Reeflo pumps for basement up setups, but for most that mount them under tank, the head is minimal. The use of flex PVC and thin wall cut down on friction as well, but a bunch of crazy elbows and runs will cut the flow to them.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
SCSInet how much head are we talking as well? I wouldn't use the Reeflo pumps for basement up setups, but for most that mount them under tank, the head is minimal. The use of flex PVC and thin wall cut down on friction as well, but a bunch of crazy elbows and runs will cut the flow to them.....
I guess that all depends. I'm only speaking in generality.
Like I said... lots of people use them and are quite happy with them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
I guess that all depends. I'm only speaking in generality.
Like I said... lots of people use them and are quite happy with them.
My HammerHead on my 240 was to insane for the tank for the return, and that was with 22' of head....I had to swap the Dart over and that pushed as well......Hey need your input on my Stand Design thread when you get some free time......