Best Protein Skimmer


I know this has been done before, but I'm looking for the most reliable, affordable protein skimmer.
I currently have a Seaclone 150 and it does absolutely nothing. No matter how I adjust the air, nothing builds up in the collection cup and it's noisy as hell. Instead of modifying it, I'm just going to get a better skimmer. Thanks for any advice.


Thanks. Can the Euro-Reef be hung on the tank or is it sump-only? Unfortunately I don't have a sump. It sounds like a good one though.
Any other recs of hang-on skimmers?


i have a redsea prizm works good. If i was you i would go onto the equipment board and type in the search and read the reviews on all the skimmers out there then do a price match on the ones you are intrested in. It depends also how big your tank is also on what one you need and yes euroreef is very good but when i got mine it was discounted for me at the lfs check out the remora also


i heard they work pretty good a friend of mine had one on his octupus tank and that thing was sweet


New Member
does anybody know about amiracle skimmers are they any good or what?just bought a sys that has amiracle wet dry witha amiracle downdraft skimmer


Active Member
i've got a berlin turbo classic in sump and it works great. the hang on is the same thing, only modified to hang on the tank. aqua c remora's are nice too, i've got one on my 20 and i like it.



Originally posted by jc74
I know this has been done before, but I'm looking for the most reliable, affordable protein skimmer.
I currently have a Seaclone 150 and it does absolutely nothing. No matter how I adjust the air, nothing builds up in the collection cup and it's noisy as hell. Instead of modifying it, I'm just going to get a better skimmer. Thanks for any advice.

hey I have the same skimmer (SeaClone) long have you had it?? I had mine for about 3 days before I was able to get it set straight.....try running it on no air for a few days , this seemed to do the trick for me, then just open the air up slightly and it will work....but the results aren't instant, you have to adjust it and wait 20 seconds moving adjusting it again. Also, ensure that the foma (near the intake) is completely submerged under!!:happy:


I've had it running for about four days now. There is some foam in the tube but none in the collection cup.
I've tried adjusting the air in all kinds of positions, many of which just dumped a lot of bubbles in the tank. I'll try your advice before buying a new one.
How exactly do you know when it's set right? I'm not sure what to look seems no matter how I adjust it I can't get any foam to enter the cup.


Active Member
If you just put it on 4 days ago then it isn't going to work properly anyways. Skimmers have a break in period that could last up to a month. This breakin period will not produce anything in the skimmer cup at all, and once its over, you'll have to empty the cup in no time. Just be patient and ride it out.
BTW: If you decide to go with another skimmer, here's some helpful advice. I've had my Red Sea Prizm Pro for about a year now, and it is getting stuck under a tire of my truck as soon as I can afford a different one. I am going to take pictures of the crushed skimmer so I can show people what I think of that skimmer.


redsea prizm (deluxe is better), IMO. I got one for 70, deluxe model. hang-0n type, very quiet and is working very well.