Best protien skimmer

Hi guys my B-day is tomorrow and I want the best protien skimmer (but not like <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> expinsive)and some other stuff for my tank. so what's the BEST protien skimmer?(it can be $110 or lower but this is just an estiment on how mutch my mom will spend on one)


what size is your tank if it is 75 gallons or lower i would have to say the BACK PAK. you can find them for around 150$ ;)

jordan 150

i like the sea clone it is good are you running any mechanical filteration right now. If so which one i would get maybe a magnum filter instead of a skimmer if you dont have one.
Ok i found cheap yet nice looking/sounding skimmer. It's the SeaClone skimmer (new one) and here's a link to it <a href="http://www.**************.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=4400" target="_blank">http://www.**************.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=4400</a> so is this a good skimmer?


The sea clone is the skimmer I have, it seems to work well. I have to clean it out every day or two. The only complaint that I have is that it can sometimes be difficult to adjust correctly. All in all it does the job. ;)


I have a seaclone on one of my tanks and had an awful time getting it to produce. I took so advice off this board and opened the air all the way up and its now working great. I would buy another one...


Happy Birthday!!
I have a RedSea Prism skimmer on my 45 gallon and am very happy with it. I don't remember exactly how much is cost but I'm pretty sure it was around $100.
Enjoy the day!
thanx guys for all the replys and i'm leaning toward the seaclone to get but i'll do more research on the skimmers that you've siad you have


Hi .....Happy B-day....
The skimmer I use is a Berlin air lift 90...and I love it, I dont have to mess around with it, just put it on an Air pump, and your good to go...You have to change the Air Stone in it, but its a breeze..
All of the people I know that have a Sea Clone, down the road have had problems with theirs...
Again, Happy B-day and Gl on your choice.
My tank is a 55 gl too.
~Susie ;)