best return pump??


My return pump just died on my 90g w/125 wet dry.
The lfs suggested the mag drive 9.5.
What do you use and love??

mpls man

Active Member
I've been using a Quiet 1 4000 HH for over 4 yrs and never had a problem, very quiet in the sump.


I use the Mag 7 on my 75 gal. It is great! Never a moments trouble, comes with a sponge filter and is quiet as can be!


Like Coach said, it depends on what your overflow is producing. I use a Mag18 on my 75g. I built a tall stand which means there's more head (it has to push the water more to get it back into the tank). I went from 1200GPH overflow to 600GPH (the first one broke) and now the ball valve on my return line is closed about half way. I'm about to order a 1400 GPH overflow box, then I can open it back up.
Magdrive baby.


Active Member
I have the mag drive 24 for my 210 and no issues, I have only had it for 1 month but seems like a real good pump.