Best RO/DI Unit to Buy - Newbie ?!!

justyn kearney

New Member
I am new to the whole sw thing and looking to do things right from the get go. Can someone tell me which RO/DI units you have had success with and would recommend?? The more I research, the more it seems like buying one from the start would be the best and most cost effective way to go in the long run if you plan on maintaining a salt water tank in the long run? Any and all suggestions would be helpful and greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!


i am using the maxxima 50gpd ro-di, i have been very pleased with it,i was surprised to learn how much water it takes to make 20 gallons, i think its about 60 gallons to make 20!


Active Member
If you are getting a 1 to 3 ratio, you are doing very well. Most start at 1 to 4 and get worse from there. There are a lot of good units out there and you can pay a wide range of prices.
One popular RO/DI that a lot of people here like is the Typhoon that you buy off of ----. The guy that sells them is supposed to be pretty helpful. I talked to him a couple of times when I was interested in his systems, but after a few times he told me that I had too many concerns and that he was just a retailer and that I should probably buy from someone else. All I asked him was how this would work with my hard water and how long would the membrane last along with a few other questions. In his defense, I am an Engineer so I do tend to get a little technical sometime. Who knows. I may have caught him on a bad day.