Best roomates for Banded Coral Shrimp, Arrow Crab, & Sally Lighfoot Crab


Active Member
i konw both of the arrows and the CBS are pretty agressive... they might not do well in a 29...but they might... its hard to tell about personalities some times. youd have a better chance if you spot feed them though, that way there will be no competition for food. And pleanty of hidng places too so there wont be any competition for that either.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishtanknewbie
Hello, WHO DEY I am taking aroad trip down towards your parts and was wondering if there are any good pet shops around there besides Pet Solutions? :thinking:
wet pets: Compton AVE
Monfort aquarium: Colerain AVE
Aquatics & Exotics: Hamilton Ave
House of Tripicals: River Rd.
Just about fish: Beechmont ave
all good one's!!!!