Best Salt?


Active Member
I have been out of the hobby for 6 months or so. I am about to start my minibow again. Oceanic has come out with a salt since my absence. Which salt is #1. I have always used IO, but my calcium readings were always low. Which salt is the best now. Vote now. Thanks..



Originally posted by Magic_Carp
Oceanic by far is the best to me, it has tons of trace elements, its easy to mix, and has a nice jug to carry it in, I love it and I woudl never go back to IO after my magnesium problem.

where can i buy this salt at a good price

nm reef

Active Member
I still use Instant Ocean but plan to switch to Oceanic after my supply runs out. Reports indicate calcium/alk and trace elements are much more stable and it mixs faster...other than that they all are comparable. :thinking:


Active Member
My vote is for Oceanic. It's nice to see a salt mix that has an adequate amount of Cal. Alk is a little bit low if your one of the people that likes to keep it above 10.


oceanic for me! i rarely dose my tank with alk or ca these days. plus the jugs are excellent to use for top offs


Ive used instant ocean red sea and oceanic but only one time oceanic so im not an expert on the brand. I do know that red sea salt dosent disolve well. When I did use oceanic I rember it disolved very well. Like as soon as water hit it. Instant ocean is what I mainly use so far it disolves well also and ive had good luck with it but with what ive been hearing about oceanic I think im gonna make the change. Is it really that much better?


tropic marin makes a very good salt as well...
kent seems to be ok, im going back to tropic marin as soon as i run out though.


Yeah I know thats true. I think im just gonna give it a try once though and see how it is. If I dont like it as much I can always switch back to IO


Active Member

Originally posted by daceman89
where can i buy this salt at a good price

The Petsmart near me sells 90 gallon containers of Oceanic salt for about $20-$25.


I was using instant ocean and was happy (a little costly) but my LFS had Red Sea Salt on sale for $40 for a 200gal mix. Its O.K. dosn't desoluve a fast as others....I'll probley go back once this runs out