Originally Posted by
All salts are far from equal with the levels of each of the many elements each salt contains. Someone tested all the various salts and posted results at --.
Sure we expect new salt brands to give u more elements/chemicals and what not.
That doesn't guarantee anything. Nor does the "superior" salts give u stable cal/alk/magnesium levels. Without the use of 2part additives ect.
IO has every major,minor and trace elements needed by ALL marine organisms. (Including. The most delicates species)
In the other hand, reef crystals and others contain elements in Greater concentration than those found in Natural oceans......
Why would I want that?
That's like adding a ton of reef suplements..
Elements. are always being added via foodstuffs, water changes,buffers,ect
Finding the perfect "salt mix" is like going on a wild gooze
Everytime I visit the lfs, I see a new fancy bag of salt brand. I wonder what's next?
I remember. A decade ago when all supplements were ideal for reefs.(According to lfs).
Little did we know , all of this supplements were already present in saltmixes & foods.
IO has been around for decades....hopefully it won't get discontinued due to the large hosts of new saltmixes.