Originally Posted by
and there lies the answer to this whole drawn out thread. somebody with a start up tank doesn't have nearly the same needs for salt as a guy with a yr old SPS tank. how many times are we going to hear I use oceanic because the calcium level keeps me from dosing only to hear the next guy say I'm using oceanic and my calcium is 580ppm help! same goes for Mg, Sr and alkalinity and its pointless to include most other elements into the equation because you, me nor scientist have a clue as to wether more or less than sea levels are harmful, helpful or indifferent.
I have used several salts from "basic" to "reef" and have swtiched abruptly from time to time and none made ANY noticeable difference over the others so I've found the best salt for me is the one thats cheapest and locally available in abundance. that happens to be regular grade red sea salt. I started with IO like most people (LFS used to sell 50lb bags for $5.99), then I went to red sea cause I had to drive 35miles to get the 5.99 IO, then I tried the other brands of "reef" salts (only to find half the time regular red sea had just as much calcium, the main reason I tried them) and now I'm right back at red sea. even if it aint perfect its nothing a little kent pro buffer DKH and reef complete cant fix and they'll likely expire before I can use them up.
I agree, as we all know every tank has different needs at different times, throughout. Tanks life span.
One thing I can say, its that wether u just started your reef yesterday or its been up and running for a few years.
We cannot rely on solely waterchanges to keep alk,cal,mag, balanced. Cause guess what? Eventually 2 part additives/ buffers/reactors will be needed(regardless of saltmix brand)
Just like aragonite is usefull in reefs, (as a natural buffer stablelizer). Since the equillibrium ph value of aragonite is the same as the ocean. It reacts on demand.
Supplying ph and mineral support to a system, before u get the chance to drop everything and run to the lfs To get that special salt.
First. One should understand the nutrient needs and their limits as to nutrient processing of their tanks.
Here's a few;
*natural and efficient natural nitrate reduction,
*self regulating carbon sources
*self regulating buffering capacity
*resident sulfur reduction and regenaration
*a source of trace elements
*a natural energy flux
*environmental equillibria
All this new salts are pointless.
I'm not the one making this new salt mixes, its the psudo scientists. Same ones that make all reef supplements. So obviously they think it matters, or else they would not continue to feed new hobbiests with all this crapola.
At least I'm not as clueless,
One thing I know, its that Natural reefs have lower concentrations of elements in water column, of which they inevitably thrive on.
Not to mention the tremendous
Teaming biodiversity in oceans compared to our enclosed environments.
So if you ask me?, I'm sticking with the laws of Nature..
Why would your ittle reef use more elements than the ocean.?
In addition, everyone gets plenty excess elements via foods.
Now, that's Something that doesn't take place in the oceans.( At least not daily).
unless ufos feed the oceans..
It all comes down to maintaining balanced cal,alk,mag levels.
Its not rocket science is it?