Best sand cleaners for a 20 gallon?


What would be the best sand cleaners for a 20 gallon nano? was planning on ceriths, nass and hermits, maybe 1 fighting conch Any other ideas?


I have some hermit crabs and nass snails and I'm pretty happy... I just replenish wheneever i see they are lower on count, like if a few died...


Active Member
The super tongan nassarius snails do a good job of keeping the sand turned over. Maybe 4 or 5 of those might be good for you. Blue legs or some other small type of crabs should be ok if you only get a few and keep extra shells in the tank. You can buy them at craft stores in large bags, boil them for 10 minutes and then drop in the tank.


Did you just start your tank? What do you have in there right now? Cerith, Nass, turbos, are a good combination for getting your sand, rocks, and glass covered. The astraea are cool unless they get knocked on their backs and they can not right themselves. Skip that stress.


I have 4 nassarius, 4 cerith, 7 red leg hermits (less than 1 inch with shell). I have 1 firefish, 2 ocellaris, 1 bicolor blenny. The only reason why I'm hesitating for the Astrea Turbo snails is because they occasionally knock downs frags. Please come and see my tank thread!