Best skimmer for 125 gal.

michelle l

I'm sorry, I know this question is a repeat, but when I do a search for "skimmer" I get a HUGE return and just can't seem to find what I am looking for.
What is the best skimmer for a 125 gallon FOWLR (plus a few inverts) in the $200-250-300 range? I run a wet/dry filter, so either an in-sump or HOB would work.

michelle l

Any specific brands that you'd recommend?
And Puffer...I didn't know that Oceanic made a skimmer....are there different models?

michelle l

I've read a lot of good things about Aqua C skimmers. What is the difference between the Aqua C Urchin Pro and the Aqua C Remora Pro?

michelle l

Thanks! Found it!
I had peeked at this very thread earlier today, but hadn't had much of a chance to read it in depth because of my Christmas present wrapping duty today. (Yes, I wait until the day before and then wrap my tail off all day...)
I am still leaning toward the Aqua C Remora Pro with a Mag, but the problem with what I saw in this thread is that the reviews don't really say what size tank the skimmers will work for. Since I have a 125, it sounds as though the Aqua C is too small?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Michelle L
I've read a lot of good things about Aqua C skimmers. What is the difference between the Aqua C Urchin Pro and the Aqua C Remora Pro?
The Urchin is in sump whereas the Remora is HOT.
Either of the pro models can easily handle a 125. If you go with either of them, go with the Mag Drive 3 pump. Also, if you can get the ones with the drain fitting and an auto waste collector. Saves so much time not having to drain your skimmer cup ever day!

michelle l

Thanks Grog! I had been looking at the ASM G4 this afternoon, and I kept thinking...."how am I gonna fit one of these in my wet/dry???" and making one work outside of my wet/dry is something that I'm not sure if I could figure out. If there is a HOB skimmer that will work, that will be so much easier for me.... the Aqua C Remora seems to fit the bill if it will handle my tank size.
(I have a pretty light bio-load, at least right now.)
ETA: I see you are in Springfield...I'm an hour from there. Do any of the LFS in Springfield carry Aqua Cs?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Michelle L
ETA: I see you are in Springfield...I'm an hour from there. Do any of the LFS in Springfield carry Aqua Cs?
Springfield, IL (not Missouri)
Nope. The largest one in town insists that Seaclones are one of the best on the market and sell them for $150. Another sells Corallife skimmers for $150. No stores sell AquaC. Order online or from ----.