best snails for algae control on glass?


Active Member
I have to get another snail refill for my 45g. I have had both mexican turbos and astrea turbos. Are mexican turbos the same as turnchus(sp)? Wich one is it that can flip itself back up when turned over? Are there any others that can be reccomended that do an exeptional oveall job?


Active Member
turbos and or trichus, IMO, the trochus can upright themselves, so you will loose less, but htey are more expensive


Okay this is what I have found from experience ...the astrae's work well for glass and the Turbos (the rounded shelled ones) for the rocks.
This is what I have in my tank now maybe mine are freaks....but oh well


Active Member
I think they regular turbos work well but they die off easily. In my experience they work awesome as soon as you get them but then they begin to slow down and not clean as much. I am getting some trochus snails this week so I will let you know if they are any better.


I have a bunch of Astrea snails that do a great job on my glass. I too have noticed a tendancy for Turbos to be esy targets for hermits and such, but I've also lost a few Astreas.


Active Member
Love the turbo's and the astrias. Though I may have some odd ones, my conchs clean my glass like crazy???


Active Member
predator, are you serious, your conch cleans your glass??? Thats really weird! I don't have one as of yet but most say they don't even venture on to LR.
Does anyone keep a strictly clawless clean up crew? I mean no crabs, just snails, conch starfish, ect? If so, does it seem to work well? I'm just tossing the idea around i guess. I've only got two blue leggs and 3 astreas left.


im just wondering if alot of the crabs killing snails are from a lack of extra shells for the crabs ???


Active Member
often, yes, this is why hermits kill snils
but some of the species actually feed on snails too


I like the Cerith (sp) for glass. They can upright themselves. I love Narcerius (sp) for the garbage cleaners, and they do glass also. This way I really don't need and crabs at all. ;)


Originally posted by fishfreek:
<STRONG>predator, are you serious, your conch cleans your glass??? Thats really weird! I don't have one as of yet but most say they don't even venture on to LR.
My conch goes on the live rock and glass quite often. It must depend on the individual.