Best snails??


hi all-
what have you found to be the best snails? i have had margarita snails that i have found to not be very good, but i have had a few astreas which seem to be pretty good (but hard to find here for some reason). thanks!


I would like an answer to this question also. What are the best at eating algae, and are there any snails that can turn back over if they flip on their back. I'm kind of tired of finding drowned snails in my tank!


Active Member
The trochus snails from are awsome. They do not die for no reason like other snails and they can turn themsevles over. The only downside is their large size.


Active Member
do trochus eat hair algae. That's my question of the week. I have mexican turbos, margaritas, nassarius and cerith and they all do their specialty areas well. I just wish there was one who considered hair algae a feast.

bang guy

My favorite snail by far for diatom control is the Stomatella varians. For Detritus it would be Cerith and for carrion cleanup I like Nassarius.


Active Member
No. The trochus snails are different. They are larger than turbos/astreas however, but eat about 5 times as much.


I'll agree with Guy about the Cerith, Nassarius. Haven't tried the Stomatella varians yet. But will since Guy said it!!
Who needs Garf when we have Guy - The World According to Guy!! :p


my favorite are the nausarius, they do a good job of cleaning the bad stuff up. they also aerate the sand


Active Member
This site sells turbo aka astrea and mexican aka trochus. Look at their u build it page. They say they are the same, that's why I'm confused.
I have them all and thanks to Guy;) I have the stomatella also.
None of them will eat my hair algae though:mad:


Active Member
you guys ever heard of this snail that has the name with orange in it... i cant remember the name.. sorry, but the snail is orange... some are the size of a nickle some the size of a quarter... any info on those ?