"Best" Starfish?


Alright, I'll ask again.
What kind of starfish do you have, if any? What kind are the most hearty - if there is such a thing? Particularly, I'm looking at the burgundy, blue, orange and red linkias and the red sea star.
Please, Please, Please, someone help me out on this?:notsure:


Sorry - but, of course it's for a reef tank. We are in the reef forum, aren't we? Sorry - not trying to sound like a smart a$$, but . . . thanks!


Look, they've got to be one of the most unique animals we can put in our tank. Surely, someone knows something about them! Any help would be appreciated!


Active Member
i have read linkias are hard to acclimate.
i have a red serpent star in my tank he dont do to much but is still a nice addition.


Is that the one with the little skinny legs? My wife hates those kind. If I get anything, it's got to have the "classic" shape. I know that sounds snotty, but I've got to make her happy!:rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by nicky1.8t
i have read linkias are hard to acclimate.

Not hard to acclimate, just takes a long time to do it safely. 5+ hours is best, the longer the better though.
If you don't want any with long skinny legs, make sure to stay away from brittly stars and serpent stars. How much LR do you have in your tank? Linkias need a LOT to survive for a long time.


I've got about 50 lbs of baserock (stuff growing on it now) and about 30+ lbs of live rock. Algae all over the place. Hermits and snails aren't keeping up. :notsure:
I got into this reef and salt tank thing so I could have a star. We finally got rid of a puffer that we had forever (wife fell in love with the thing)! :rolleyes:


Active Member
Linkias are out of the question for now. Not enough LR for them. You could try a chocolate chip star.


Sand shifting stars for keep the sand stirred. Brittle and serpent stars for keep the sand clean.


Active Member
i have a sand sifting star which i see about once a week he comes to the surface for a minute and goes back down, and two brittle stars that i am still waiting to see clean anything.


I have a sandsifter that comes out a couple times a days and the best is he always does it when the lights are on.


Orange linkas are ok IF you have alot of sponge that grows in your tank. Mine has been doing fine for about 5 or 6 months, but it seems the only thing it eats is the sponge but thats cool he keeps my reaf in check ( I had yellow sponge growing all over the place).


So, Linkias are a no go. That sucks. I really wanted one and I thought they'd help with the algae.
Eating sponges? :notsure: Very interesting.


Yea its not what I expected and every one said it would be dead in 1 month but it is healthy as a horse and no one can beleive it, but those are the same people that said they dont eat sponge? But now my sponge is controled by him, but there is not enough for another linka(shucks they are so cool).


ive got a serpent a sand sifter and a red bali the serpent stays outta site the sand sifter is photgenic hes out alot of the time and the red bali is weird at best i never see him move but every time i come back in the room he is in a different spot i think hes shy


I have a green brittle star. His body was about the size of a penny and his long skinny legs were about four inches when we got him. Now after about 7 mos. or so his body is about the size of a nickle and his legs at least 2 inches longer. He hides most of day coming out to eat when we feed in the morning and later evening. He shares a larger (space) cave, under a Flat LR we created stacking w/ 2 peppermint shrimp. Fun to watch them eat! He swims all over the tank at night, scavaging for stuff in the substrate and rocks. He doesnt bother any coral or fish! Might consider one of these. :)


Active Member
Since this is about star fish. Is there anytype of star fish that would be okay in a 10 gal?
Debbie :happyfish


Thanks so much for all the replies. I hear that linkias really aren't good for much, huh? I guess they aren't hearty at all. I don't know if I'm going to be able to contain myself - I've got to have one. My water chem is perfect right now and my tank is growing algae like mad (but 'trites and 'trates are low!). I'd love one of those burgundy sea stars.
You may try a little brittle in a 10 gallon.
Again, the reason I got into saltwater:
1) Mandarin Goby - gotta be the coolest looking fish
2) Starfish
3) Bright corals (green open brain especially!)