Best Substrate and Why


Ive had live sand in my 54 gallon tank... I am getting ready to start into a 125 or more tank and would like to know what everyones opinion is on what is the best substrate... please provide your reasoning. Thanks


Active Member
Sand, because its most natural. 25 years ago, I was in the hobby and the big thing was crushed coral or dolomite. It was used over top of an undergravel filter. Today undergravel filters are not used and the fish waste and uneaten food particles would sink down into the crushed coral and cause excess nitrates. One other option is going bare bottom with no substrate at all. I dont like bare bottoms. Well maybe in a thong if its the right one.


Bare bottom! Not the best looking, but the easiest to clean and bristleworm free!
Crushed coral = hard to clean

Sand = bristleworm breeding farm... this is what bristleworms did to my first tank--->

Just my opinion... my lfs owner told me to go bare bottom and I didn't listen... hmmm... I wonder if I can put a mag float on the bottom of my tank