best substrate


a disease pretty much wiped out my tank. i'm breaking the entire thing down & starting over with the knowledge i've gained since i started. i heard that the crushed coral i used as a substrate is a nitrate trap & sand might be a better substrate to use. i'm only interested in fish (no coral, inverts, etc.) should i use sand this time & why?


yes you should use sand, the sand will make the appearence and health of your tank a lot better. like you said the CC traps NO's, the LS will also act as a bio filter coupled along with some live rock. Hope it helped a bit.


Yes go with sand here is why:
Why change from CC to SSB or DSB?
Most of us will not use crushed coral because it is a large substrate that traps the fish waste and uneaten food that has to be vacuumed before it creates nitrates, which it will anyway. Crushed coral does not provide a very good biological zone, and many tanks are setup with CC from the get go through lack of knowledge or because it is the only substrate that an LFS sells and tells you that it is all you need, using a selling point of CC has buffering power. I have personally battled nitrates over 100 ppm during my days of CC and UGF doing frequent large water changes. So many of us have been there and had high nitrates, did a water change to lower them and they were back in a couple of days. CC has sharp edges, which is undesirable for inverts, like anemones walking around, pods or worms. No getting around it CC is high maintenance and can lead to poor water quality, frequent maintenance, sick livestock, algae blooms and more.
Sand on the other hand has more benefits. These include having far more surface area thereby making it able to handle a higher bio load of bacteria. It is less dangerous to your infauna and has a more natural look in the tank. If going with a DSB Deep Sand Bed you can have other benefits as well like finishing the denitrification or providing sand sifting, burrowing, or tunneling fish and critters a place to play. The denitrification process predominantly occurs in deeper substrates and in areas of stagnant flow where oxygen levels are depressed. And this is why deep sand beds are effective as a nitrogen export mechanism. As water slowly diffuses deeper, aerobic organisms strip all available oxygen for respiration. In the deep, oxygen-deprived layers, denitrifying anaerobes are given the opportunity to convert nitrogen compounds into nitrogenous gases, which escape via tiny bubble out of the aquarium. I believe this process can also work on a limited basis in shallow sand beds. My sand bed is no more than 2 inches deep in some spots.
So what sand do I use to build my sand bed?
The answer here is aragonite sand. Many hobbyists have found that Southdown, Yard right or its apparent new name of old castle sand works very well for reef aquariums. This is due to it being calcium carbonate based, and with an excellent grain sizes makes for a good functioning sand bed. 1/8mm is very fine> 1/256mm to 1/16mm is considered silt, and less that> 1/256mm is considered clay.
Southdown seems to mostly contains very fine to silt size particles, and maybe a few larger than 1/8mm.
Other aragonite sands are available through many LFS. If it is aragonite it is good.


WOW, Thomas.... talk about writing a book.:D lots of good info though. if youve got the money go to the fish store and buy "fiji pink" sand, very beautiful looking sand.:yes: you wont be disappointed. thomas how is your fuse going, id like to do one myself, but not sure of a DIY version. maybe you could give me some pointers?


My fuge project is going very slowly, I need to order some pumps and heaters, money very tight. I purchased another 55 gallon that was drilled on one side. I've done a few things to it, it will be a simple setup once I get it going. It will be a gravity feed fuge, I'll post about it when I'm ready.


Hi Thomas,
I have a question for you. How do you vaccum sand? Do they make anything that can help with this? I have a new tank and I used argonite sand, it looks wonderful.


You do not vaccum sand, there is no need to. With the proper turnover rate the detritus stays in suspention to be picked up by your mechanical filtration ie. skimmer, wet/dry, HOB filters. Plus the sand will process any waste that is on it, the cleanup crew also helps. All healthy sandbeds must have the proper infauna to help with this ie..pods..worms etc..