best test kit?


What is a good overall test kit to get, relatively inexpensive?
I found one by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals for pretty cheap, but is it good?


Active Member
LaMotte Test Kits and HACH test kits are about as good as they come- but for practical use- seachem is ok too


Active Member
yeah lamotte, and Hach are like gold, silver would go to salifert and fasttest, and anythign below silver, i wouldnt want to use!
good luck


Active Member
I say HACH b/c my stepfather works of them- i have some pieces of equipment that would blow your mind in what they can do. They are really expensive but are about as accurate as they come

reef fool

Active Member
I use Salifert test kits. It is what my LFS sells. The LFS "reef expert" says they are one of the best in his opinion. I am just taking his word. They are definitely more accurate than the big all in one kit I bought in the beginning.


Active Member
my father just purchased a master kit from la motte, and it cost him a fortune, but now he tests water for people and charges like 20 bucks a pop for a whole series of tests, includign Dissolved oxygen and iodine!
pretty cool, but also pretty expensive
good luck


Active Member
i agree about the DO test, i think hes jsut a big dork and had to have the whole series, and that why he got it. he uses it on our 135 tank but i dont think he ever tests customers DO, if he does im sure he knows to get a fresh sample, hopefully. IMO, dissolved oxygen isnt muct to wory about, especially if you have decent circulation, and lots of algae in the tank.
oh well, hes a retired probation officer, who has beehives, makes soap with my mom, and takes care of our 135 gallon tank, so it gives him somethign to do!
:D ;) :D
good luck


If I buy a "cheap" kit like the SeaChem kit or the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, am I really going to be that bad off? Won't most test kits do the job you need them to do?

reef fool

Active Member
I am blaming a recent Ich outbreak on a cheap test kit. I regularly monitered my nitrates with an all in one saltwater test kit. Nitrates were fine (or so I thought). My lfs tested my nitrates and they were 50 ppm - 100ppm. I tested it again with the cheap kit and it read15ppm. Nitrates are now down to 5ppm but my fish are being iched out, BIG TIME. I assume that the stress of the high nitrates was what let to the ich outbreak! I now use a $20 nitrate test kit as well as others from Salifert. Not worth being cheap! No telling how much this Ich outbreak will cost me when all is said and done!


Active Member
Testing your tankwater is like crossing a busy street on foot everyday.
The more often you look both ways, and can see the oncoming cars and trucks clearly, judging their speed and distance - the better chance you'll have of making it across safely.
If you're partially blindfolded with a cheap test kit - chances are you'll eventually get creamed !


Well said, friends.
You have convinced me to open my wallet a little further. I will spend the money on a nicer kit. I am sure you are saving me some hassle in the future.