"Best" test kits?

Just wanted to know what the general concensus is as far as what's the best (reasonably priced) easy-to-read test kits.
not interested in aquarium pharmaceuticals or and dip-strips.


Salifert is what I used. I asked a similar question a while back and it was the overwhelming winner.


I use the Lamotte test kits like you said though it is pretty much, "aquarium pharmaceuticals". But very on point with readings and a little pricey though


Active Member
I use the aquarium pharmaceuticals test kits for freshwater. They are very accurate for my goldies and trops. What are the differences between them and the saltwater ones?


Active Member
I just read my post and it looks like that I meant that I use the FW tests for my SW tanks. That is NOT what I meant. :cool:


I ahve the sma etest kits from aq pharm and dont really like them. I use them for both FW and SW ( 2 different kits) but I got salfieret kits for copper, calc, and phosphates and when I need to replace my kits I wil get all salfierete much better test IMO



Originally posted by GQ
I use the Lamotte test kits like you said though it is pretty much, "aquarium pharmaceuticals". But very on point with readings and a little pricey though

Just a little pricey? Email where you get them from! I can't find them for anything but EXTREMELY pricey!
Salifert. I'm a chemist by profession and really trust these kits. I also have red sea kits for NH3 and NO2. They are good for high readings but are not very accurate for low.
I also have a Hagen from my LFS for my pH readings--I HATE IT!!


kit. I had to buy a combo one, because the lfs gave me four separate boxes for each test. It was a pain to open each one up, do the test and then check the result and put it back in the box. It was more hassle than it was worth.
The one I got is a basic saltwater test kit. It has a tray inside that holds the test tubes and each bottle of solution. While I am doing one test, I can wait for the others to sit for the 5 minutes. It is really easy for me, but since I am new to this hobby, I would definitely use what the majority uses. Good luck!!!