Best time of day to test water?


New Member
When is the best time of day to test water parameters.In the morning, or in the later part of the day after all lights are on a while.I just tested my water and everything was A-Ok except PH...........But it was in the morn and the lights have not been on yet.Ive heard your PH does drop some in the night with lights out.????Im not going to panic just yet till I test again later in the day. Any info would be great.


New Member
Wait to test PH until your lights have been on, at least two hours, then test at the same time each time you test, this will help.

nm reef

Active Member
....actually....its my personal belief that the actual time that you actually test your water is the best time to actually test your water.Then...the next time you test your water will then be the best time to test your water.
Seriously...PH will tend to be lower early and slightly higher after the lights have been on for a while....temp will slightly fluctuate the longer the lights are on...but most other levels will remain fairly the time of tests have little to no effect except for temp and PH.:thinking: