Best time to place Anemone in a tank?


I have been going back and forth for a bit now and I have received mixed input.
When is the best time to place an Anemone in a tank?
I have heard of some saying that the tank should be mature and then put one in. I am afraid of the little guy will sting other corals on its way to finding his home...which of course is the chance to take if thats the way to go.
I have heard that you could possible put the Anemone in once the tank has cycled and before you add other corals so it can find its home and establish itself and then add the corals in the tank.
Sorry for the dumb Q...which I am sure has been answered before but I am curious as to the best way to get one of these guys.
Thanks a ton!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by GeckoXp
I have been going back and forth for a bit now and I have received mixed input.
When is the best time to place an Anemone in a tank?
I have heard of some saying that the tank should be mature and then put one in. I am afraid of the little guy will sting other corals on its way to finding his home...which of course is the chance to take if thats the way to go.
I have heard that you could possible put the Anemone in once the tank has cycled and before you add other corals so it can find its home and establish itself and then add the corals in the tank.
Sorry for the dumb Q...which I am sure has been answered before but I am curious as to the best way to get one of these guys.
Thanks a ton!

Never a dumb such thing
A mature tank is a must (6 months), the right lighting is a must...
Cover the power heads...the anemone will find its own happy place. I never had one bother coral, my fear was it getting sucked up. Now once established, I didn't place any coral near it. This has been my experience...but an expert I am not, and I am not read up on the subject.
I regretted getting was a fish killer..some fish it ate, and others it just stung to death...I will not have another one in my tank. JMO


Ok..thanks for the reply! So at least 6 months it is. I will get more clafication on it with my LFS but that sounds like the best advice so far. Below is the list of fish I plan on keeping with softies in my 90G tank that is cycling now.
Fish that I am planning on keeping in my 90G:
2 Clown fish
1 Yellow Goby
1 Yellow Tang
1 Bicolor Dotty
1 Blue Hippo Tang (probably nix this from lack of space)
2 Firefish
1 Six line wrasse
Wondering if I put in the Anemone in the 90G if it would bother the above mentioned fish?


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by GeckoXp
Ok..thanks for the reply! So at least 6 months it is. I will get more clafication on it with my LFS but that sounds like the best advice so far. Below is the list of fish I plan on keeping with softies in my 90G tank that is cycling now.
Fish that I am planning on keeping in my 90G:
2 Clown fish
1 Yellow Goby
1 Yellow Tang
1 Bicolor Dotty
1 Blue Hippo Tang (probably nix this from lack of space)
2 Firefish
1 Six line wrasse
Wondering if I put in the Anemone in the 90G if it would bother the above mentioned fish?
At the risk of bothering some people...
I have a blue Hippo in my 90g...I was told..never had one..that a yellow tang is very might change on that one...I had an anemone for 3 was a fish killer...but the fish that had been in there from the start it never fish didn't seem to know to stay away, so got eaten or stung to death.
This just my experience...I am no expert


Member nix the blue hippo and the Tang and don't have an Anemone...check! No no no just joking...
So if anything introduce your fish to the system and then later on the Anemone and still who knows at that point. I am just looking at getting a bubble tip and seeing if the clowns would attach themselves to it.
The only thing I have heard is that the the way you introduce certain fish to the aquarium is a key element in establishing territory and the behavior to other fish. So from what I understand if you had the proper tank then you would want to introduce both fish at the same time in the tank..or at least the hippo first as it is non aggressive and then the yellow tang. Never the reverse because the yellow tang would establish itself and any new "intruders" it would fend away...
Ahhh so much to go over!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by GeckoXp
http:///forum/post/3103964 nix the blue hippo and the Tang and don't have an Anemone...check! No no no just joking...
So if anything introduce your fish to the system and then later on the Anemone and still who knows at that point. I am just looking at getting a bubble tip and seeing if the clowns would attach themselves to it.
The only thing I have heard is that the the way you introduce certain fish to the aquarium is a key element in establishing territory and the behavior to other fish. So from what I understand if you had the proper tank then you would want to introduce both fish at the same time in the tank..or at least the hippo first as it is non aggressive and then the yellow tang. Never the reverse because the yellow tang would establish itself and any new "intruders" it would fend away...
Ahhh so much to go over!
+1 sounds right to me
I have never had a clown with an anemone...every time I see an anemone I ask the store keeper...will my clown host it...they always say the maroon, or tomato clown will but not the Nemo type...which is what I have


I've seen the LFS have an anemone with a tomato clown at ths shop in person but I have not seen the "Nemo" fish host up with one in person..just on the net through say lafishguy with his rose or other I guess it can be done but from what I am hearing here...not something a newbie would want to get into at this point.


Active Member
i just wanted to add...
it would make sense to put the anemone in and let it finds its place so it dosent sting corals. my tank was only a few months old and i put mine in and it is doing fine...i can tell because it was dyed (which is bad) and it is recovering its normal color. also...mine has never killed a fish (sabae anemmone). every single clown i have ever had has hosted this anemone and it was a great addition to my tank.


Interesting...Well I guess I will talk this over a bit with the LFS and see what they said. I told them my intentions and they didn't seem like it would be a problem with lighting etc...but then again anyone in the profit business should always heed a word of caution. I have been really happy with them so far so I don't find a reason to doubt them now...just waiting for the tank to cycle.
My plans were to get an anemone with a couple clowns, have it find its place on the rock and then add additional fish and corals...


I have always had luck with the false perc's and the green bubble. I put the anenome in the tank about two weeks after the pair of clowns and I guess out of curiosity they just dove for it and never left. I probably just got lucky but when I set up my wife's little nano i did the same thing and got the same response from the percs. I have heard though from my lfs that maroons and tomatos are the more common for hosting. Hope it helps you a little.


Active Member
most anemones r very sensitive. i wouldnt recommend having one unless a tank is at least 3-4 months old. u will know when u r ready when nothing dies in the tank over a 3-4 week period.


Originally Posted by Flower
+1 sounds right to me
I have never had a clown with an anemone...every time I see an anemone I ask the store keeper...will my clown host it...they always say the maroon, or tomato clown will but not the Nemo type...which is what I have

I have had many "nemo" type over the years that hosted anemones...I even have a book and it has "nemos" on the cover hosting
. Bad LFS, they just want you to buy another fish


Active Member
I had false perc that never hosted and when my female tried, she got s huge sting on her face. :( That's pretty much ended the hosting for them. it scared her into a cave that she never came out of and the male too.
No I have a maroon and a different anemone, and he chooses to host my hammer coral instead.
atleast he's hosting...


I thought I was ahead of the game by buying the rock that the anemone was attached to. I bought two, one for each of my Barberi Clowns. Both stayed put for about a month and then went wandering to find the place they liked. Then came a split on each of them and each new anemone had to find it's place in the tank. Last weekend my largest one split into three so I am up to six now with the new guys taking a bit to heal up and then I know they will cruise around to find their spot. Mushrooms hate it when they pass by. Lots have jumped off the rock but get happy on the bottom of the tank.


This is a shot of the anem in the front, it is the favorite of my Barberi Clown, she has six to pick from but seems to dive into this one the most.