best vitamin soak


Just wanted some opinions on the best vitamin soak for previously frozen food. I've been using Red sea's reef success vita, but I know a lot of people use zoe. I've got 2 tangs that don't have great coloring. They're diet consists of spirula, seaweed select, mysis, and brine. They're coloring isn't bad, but I think it could be brighter. :notsure:


I use Selcon and my fish have great coloring.
Only one I have used so I can't say if it is the best, but I have had great luck with it.


I use Selcon and my fish have great coloring
I assume you use the 60ml dropper? How long does that last? I saw their add claimed it cured lateral line disease. Mine aren't that bad, but anything to make them healthier I guess..I'd prefer to be able to get something that'll last for a while. I have to order via internet most supplies as my local lfs' don't carry a lot of variety.


A vitamin by anyother name is still a vitamin
I've used selcon, zoecon and zoe. So far I like Selcon or Zoe as the better two of the three.
Zoe states that is can have a 4 year shelf life.


You add only .5ml per 55 gallon tank is the reccomendation.
I put the frozen food in a little medicine plastic cup and drop the .5 ml on top and it is plenty to thaw it in.
I have used less than a 1/4 of the bottle I got and it has been like two months or something. I will check when I get home.


I need to use mine as a food soak not a weekly additive. My stupid tangs won't leave the shrimp alone no matter how much algae they eat. I think that's what's screwing up the colors. The reef success I use, I don't think it's working as well as the others do.



Originally posted by benj2112
I have used less than a 1/4 of the bottle I got and it has been like two months or something. I will check when I get home.

I forgot to check when I bought it. I got it almost exactly 3 months ago and I have used 1/4 of a bottle following instuctions for a 55 gallon tank.
It is a 60ml bottle.