Best way 2 clean LR


I just brought some LR 10 min ago, i threw in in a cooler and rinsed it off and left it sitting in the water. i dont wanna put it in the tank and mess everything up. i just wanna know if im doing it the safe way.


Active Member
Ok, your crab will most likely die. Just put the rock straight in the tank. It will kick off the nitrogen cycle which is needed before you add livestock.
While this is cycling, get a good book and educate yourself on saltwater tanks.


i do have a book and it said after 24 hrs i can add crab or dansels, a few people told me the same thing. thats why im confused their telling i can add these things but wait 4-6 weeks before adding clown fish.


Active Member
I don't know who you asked but you are toturing that crab. The water is at highly toxic levels until the nitrogen cycle is done. What book said to add livestock after the first day?


Active Member
the book probably advised you to use damsels, because they're the most hardy saltwaterfish. But, by cycling the tank with them, you are torturing them and permanently damaging them. For any fish you have to wait until the cycle is done, the amount of time it takes the cycle to complete ranges greatly. Once its cycled you can step up to the "next level" of hardiness, being clownfish.