best way to catch a fish


Active Member
ive got a little coral beauty, and i want other fish in my 29 gal...but he is taking up some inches!! almost 3. hes still adapting, about a week old...just starting to stay out in the open and not hiding in the rock. Whats the best way to get him out without destroying the reef like i had to do with the damsels a while back. Any suggestions? I may try the fish trap, but i know those angels are smart... have any of you guys had to net a coral beauty?
thanks in advance.
and here is a pic of him in the tank


Active Member
I had a CB for a while in my 29 when my goofy LFS told me it would be okay. When I realized that I needed to get it out of there it was somewhat of a challenge. I ended up making a home made fish trap out of peices of acrylic and plastic. I took a frozen piece of brine and soaked it in garlic extract. It attracted the CB into the trap and I got him.


Active Member
haha.. just asked you about this in the OTHER post you responded too. I can borrow a fish trap from the LFS, where can i get garlic extract? is it for fish or can i pick it up at the grocery store.


Active Member
You should be able to use some liquid garlic from the grocery or health food stores but, I am not certain. I use Garlic Xtreme from Kent Marine to dose the food with. You only have to use a couple of drops and it works wonders. It can also help keep fish diseases at bay. ( doesn't fix them, just helps with them.)


You could do a trap with a coke bottle as long as you make the hole big enough for it. That is how I removed an evil damsel last month. The only problem is that if the fish is still a little shy and not eating aggressively it may not go into the trap and you'll probably catch your other fish.
To do the coke bottle thing clean out a two liter and cut off the top just under where the tapered part ends. Then invert that and stick it into the other part. Obviously for a CB you'll need to cut off the tip and make the entrance bigger too. Then put in some really attractive food and lay it on it's side in the bottom. Don't leave it too long and check it often because thee will be no circulation in there so if a fish gets in and you don't do anything with it it will die in there once it used up the oxygen.


An other way to get a fish out of a reef tank is to try the "late night" approach." After the tank has been dark for an hour, use a flashlight and net to scoop up the sleeping fish. If it sleeps in the open, or in a place that you only need to move a couple of pieces of rock, this work very well.
If you have a "sand cleaner" siphon (a large, wide tube at the end of a hose) you can use that to suck up a fish this small.


Active Member
IME, whenever i try to remove a pygmy angel, i end up taking the rock out of the tank, cause they are just too damn good at hiding. it sucks, but is a guaranteed way of gettign them out!
good luck with the traps!


Active Member
well finally got him. I ended up pumping 20 gallons of water until he was too shallow to swim!! grabbed him and pumped the water back in.