Best way to catch an eel ?


New Member
I made the mistake of placeing a snowflake eel in my tank,.. and I would like to know what the best method would be to catch it and get it out of the tank without having to remove all of my rock.
Anyone have any Ideas ?
Thanks Alot! :help:


Active Member
How big is it? I would take a coke bottle and place some of the eels food inside. That way eel can go in and you can catch him.


You could also try a pvc pipe, that is long enough for the whole eel to fit in. Once he goes in it you can lift it out of the tank.


New Member
Right now it is only about 12 inch's ,... but I dont want to take the chance of him eating any of my other fish. I think I'll be safe for a little while,.. but I have put alot of my time and money into this tank. (180 gal for my first tank)
I have about 300 lb of LR in and 400 lb of LS. The soda bottle is a great idea! Thanks alot !