best way to clean "dead" LR?

i have 125+ lbs of dried LR(base rock) and i was thinking about cycling some of it in my new nano. but just curious is there anything i could do first to clean off as much as possible? i pulled all of it out of a 125g that had a small algae issue and threw it in buckets, where they have now been for... 4 months. ive heard of boiling it, checmical bath(which i dont think i want to do), vinegar bath, sun bath...??? what do you guys recommend? thanks!
well im pretty sure its all dead bc its been dry for 4 months or so now, but whats the best way to wash away the die-off. also i can see some greenish spots where i assume there was some algae. how do i clean all that off and make sure i dont have the algae bloom back up?


ok first off i am going to say this... It might sound crazy but it works. If it has been sitting dry for 4 months agea can still bloom. I have had GSP on a rock and sitt for 2 months and it still grow when i put it back in the tank. Anyways what i have done is I have litteraly baked the liverock for 10-20 minutes to kill anything that could possibly been in the liverock. Then let it cool and rinse it down. If you ask me this is the only 100% way to kill it. And again call me crazy but it works.