The flow rate through the large and the small overflow will be the same. Just because 1 overflow bulkhead is smaller than the other doesn't matter, they will both carry water at the same rate. The only way that the bigger bulkhead would carry more water is if your return pump could overpower 2 1" bulkheads, which would require about a 2500 gph pump. But none the less, the smaller bulkhead is still going to provide way too much flow for a refugium. If you want a gravity fed refugium, you will need to split the line from a bulkhead and put a flow valve on that leg. The other leg would run straight to your sump. Does this make sense? In essence, if you do decide to go with a bigger bulkhead in the other overflow, say a 1 1/2" or 2", it provides no increased value. The only benefit that would have is, if the smaller bulkhead got clogged up, then the larger could handle all of the flow. But that still doesn't protect you from what would happen if the larger bulkhead got clogged, as the smaller couldn't handle all of the flow. There is really no sence in having 2 different sized bulkheads.