best way to feed star?


any tips on feeding an orange linkia? i am well aware of the difficulty of taking care of these stars, but im up to the challenge and am curious. any tips would be helpful


Active Member
They mainly feed off of detritus from lots and lots of live healthy rock. I never spot feed my Blue anything and hardly ever see it because its back in the rocks ( 200 lbs in my tank ) scavageing. I have had it nearly 5 years. Not good to have alot of competitors like other detrius feeders in with them.


Active Member
The main problem with Linckia seastars is that noone is really sure what they eat. Trying to "feed it" will be fruitless. Just make sure you have a well established tank with lots of liverock and good microalgae growth.


You cannot feed them. They need TONS of live rock to graze on, in an established tank with good STABLE parameters. They do not tolerate swings in salinity or pH/alk.
No one knows exactly what they eat, but best guesses are encrusting sponges, and other flora/fauna found only on rock hat has been in a tank for a year or more, and it is reccommended that you continually add some live rock to increase the amount to graze on.
Here is mine, just had a birthday:


Active Member
Simply they rarely take to spot feeding and need large amounts of LR. If you do not have this, I am afraid there is no challenge in keeping them. Most will starve in smaller tanks or those without enough LR, if they survive acclimation. It takes a good year for them to starve, so success should not be measured before about a year and a half.
I wrote a thread on these stars and others. It is posted in the Archives section.