Best way to get rid of bristleworms?


i have some in my tank and i want them out lol so whats the best way to remove them? and do they eat anemones?


There are traps available. They are basically tubes with inverted cones (tips gone) at the ends. The worms go in, cant get out.
You can also make your own. Get some fishy food (ie:frozen squid) and put it in a nylon stocking. The worms get their bristles stuck in the stocking when they go for the food and you can just pull it out.
You might want to ask around... people seem to like the little guys. Give them away before disposing of them. They are members of a cleanup crew.


Active Member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
because i read in a book that they can eat inverts.

They only eat animals if they are already dead or severly injured/sick. They are scavengers and do not kill their prey. They get their bad rep from people finding them eating a dead fish or something and thinks they killed it.


Active Member
I agree with Viper_930. I had the same confusion after reading an introductory fish book. However, at least 99% of the species are completely beneficial. Essentially every tank with live rock in it also has bristleworms. They make a good clean up crew. Just try not to pick them up with bare hands. They can sting you.
If you insist, besides the traps, six-line wrasse will eat some of the little ones. Arrow crabs will also eat some.