Best way to get rid of hair algae?


I have a 15gal reef and i am beggining tp have alot of hair algae. My nitrate is incredibly low and have no phosphates. What organism is best suited to fix this problem?
Ihave blue legs right now and they dont make any difference.


Active Member
Phosphate test kits are notably unreliable! More than likely phosphates and silicates are the cause. You may want to consider a phosphate remover such as PhosBan or RowaPhos in a fluidized bed type reactor.


Active Member
Not to sound smart but then what's feeding your hair algae? How are you measuring your phosphates? Aquarium test kits only measure inorganic phosphate in the water column not organic phosphate which gets locked in your sand and rocks then leaches back into your system! The best way to fight hair algae is to find it's cause! Algae grows because it has a food and a light source. You either have a nutrient problem or a phosphate and silicate problem. In a 15gal tank it isn't going to take long for excess nutients or phosphates to build! If you are not skimming or running a refugium then you should be doing a lot of water changes with RO/DI water.


Active Member
I kinda agree. I used to have 0 phosphates until I got the salifert kit. What kit do you use?


had same problem test show no phos. but after trying everything else i got some phosoban and saw results the next day and week later all gone so i would try this. dont think it would hurt even if you dont think you have phos.
Not to jump on the bandwagon here, but the most likely cause for your algae is phosphates. I know you may feel that you don't have any. In fact, you may be able to test with many different test kits and still get a reading of 0. The reason is that all you phosphates are getting used by the algae. If you try manually harvesting as much algae as possible, wait about 12 hours, then test - you'll probably see the phosphates.
Just some food for thought.