Best way to get rid of phosphates in the tank


New Member
I have had a 90 gallon tank up and running for 2 months and have one fish alive in there. Everytime I go to the pet store to get my water checked i have a high phosphate level that i cant seem to shake. I have tried a poly filter, phos guard and have a protein skimmer running. Does anyone else have any ideas for me? Thanks Dave


Active Member
Phosphates must be coming from your water. Look into a RO unit of some kind. I guess you could add a refugium that would help but you never know what other nasty stuff could be in your water.


New Member
Thanks for the post reef but I tested my tap water and that wasnt the problem. So i tried this new product by Carib Sea called Phos Buster its a 2 step idea. It worked it knocked the level from over 2.0 to 0 in 72 hours. Im going to wait a few days and check again but it seems to have cured the problem.
THanks Dave


if the problem comes up again... try the phosban 150 reactor with rawaphos. this has worked wonders for me.


Active Member
If your source water isn't the problem, phosphates are still being input into your tank through other means. Your tank is only two months old, so the high phosphate readings may be the result of LR die off and just haven't been exported yet. The more likely source is from feeding.
Take a look at this thread started by Steve Weast to see just how much phosphate can be input into a system and methods of controlling it.