Best Way To Remove Anemones


from live rock (these are babies ) a friend of mine has to many and is trying to remove them from his tank to give me a few but every time he trys to remove them he ends up killing them.
please help
ps i am an old /newbe at salt again!! has been over 10 yrs sence i have had salt tank and have forgot most of what i learned


Active Member
These wouldn't happen to be aiptasia anemones would they? Can you get pics?
And welcome to SWF!


for give the spelling white long tenticil i think is what he told me i have to get reschooled in all the names


New Member
I've never tried this but I read somewhere that if you put an ice cube on the base of the anenome it will move.


if its aptasia then inject it with either a strong sodium solution or acidic solution like lemon juice! this will kill it! if it is another specie of anenome that you want to keep then the ice block theory should work or try placing the rock in an area of strong flow and the nem will dislodge itself from its rock!


Active Member
I tried the ice cube idea, and it did not work, to safely remove I have to take the rock out and carefully slide something under the base to seperate it from the rock, and be carefull not to damage the base. But as bigarn said, identify what type is is before adding it to your tank, or you may regret it later, aptasia and majano will take over your tank.


Originally Posted by ameno
I tried the ice cube idea, and it did not work, to safely remove I have to take the rock out and carefully slide something under the base to seperate it from the rock, and be carefull not to damage the base. But as bigarn said, identify what type is is before adding it to your tank, or you may regret it later, aptasia and majano will take over your tank.
thanks guys this is a new tank i am setting up so not to worried about take over yet !!


Active Member
Just a word of caution, I bought a rock once when I set up my tank, and it had a few anemoneis on it, thought I had scored, having free anemonies. they ended up being mojano, I ended up with so many after about a year they were all over the rock work, to many to try and remove, finally after I went to a bigger tank I had to boil the rock to get rid of them, but I still battle them every week. so if they are the bad kind they are hard to get rid of once they get started. Just a heads up