I'm not the biggest fan of the "feed less" route. not to say its not valid, its a very effective method for controlling waste by-product. so is using better foods (aka no flake food, shouldnt be used in reefs anyway, too much phosphate and fillers and dyes IMO)
I think our reefs are underfed. I'm more in the "export more" camp. food availability in our closed systems cannot even approach the availability on the reef. IME the best coral growths I have expirienced have came when I was feeding extremely heavily (5 to 7 times a day) and exporting waste faster than it can become problematic. (hence my insane water change rituals, 25% a week and 50% once a month) coupled with a DSB fuge, macroalgaes, and a very large detritivore crews to help recycle fish waste/uneaten foods. that with my water conditions being almost completely stable from the large water changes not allowing any parameters to swing much. because of my recent crash I cant really use my tank as an example its still in recovery (the crash was from flea powder)