Best way to stir up sand


Active Member
Oh no, they are not killing the bacteria at all. I definitely don't mean "dead" in that regard...but people talking about "live sand" are also often talking about the additional critters in the sand - worms, pods, mini brittlestars, etc and not so much the actual bacteria on the surface. But those microfauna still serve a purpose in keeping the biological aspects of the sand bed allowing oxygenation, and water circulation but on a small scale. So they are quite important to the biological functioning of the sand bed (and also in being part of the clean up crew).


Active Member
Originally Posted by guineawhop
they won't kill your sand bed.
As ophiura has been explaining they will in fact eat all the little critters that makes a sand bed functional. The bacteria is a small part of a big scheme in a live functioning sand bed.
So in a way YES a sleeper goby can kill a functioning the sand bed.