Originally Posted by paintballer768 http:///forum/post/2620865
Wow how much are those? Ive never seen a paly/zoo with black zooxanthelle before, must be a rare strain.
Imagine it is probably a dark maroon color.
Originally Posted by paintballer768 http:///forum/post/2620865
Wow how much are those? Ive never seen a paly/zoo with black zooxanthelle before, must be a rare strain.
Man oh man, expensive too haha. Very cool no less. I want to get a zoanthid or two for my tank, like two or three different color morphs. Just something bright to help color things up. These would be amazing
Originally Posted by joebob7 http:///forum/post/2621613
if were talking about expensive zoas
well how about a sweet ENVY ORANGE
for $1600 for 3 polyps!
Originally Posted by joebob7 http:///forum/post/2621613
if were talking about expensive zoas
well how about a sweet ENVY ORANGE
for $1600 for 3 polyps!
those dont even come close to looking as good as the sopronos! they only are expensive cause they grow slow and not manyt around etc..! not work the money IMO.. to each there own.
Originally Posted by joebob7 http:///forum/post/2621613
if were talking about expensive zoas
well how about a sweet ENVY ORANGE
for $1600 for 3 polyps!
Thats very highly priced I have two polyps of them and i didnt pay near that amount.
Originally Posted by kholla12 http:///forum/post/2622971
Thats very highly priced I have two polyps of them and i didnt pay near that amount.
Did you purchase yours recently? There are a bunch hitting LFS's everywhere that people are claiming are the real thing and they are about 10 bucks a polyp.
Originally Posted by Angler man http:///forum/post/2622976
Did you purchase yours recently? There are a bunch hitting LFS's everywhere that people are claiming are the real thing and they are about 10 bucks a polyp.
Yes I got them recently but not from a lfs and not for 10 a polyp.The person i got them from has had them for a while.And mine look just like the ones pixed above.
Originally Posted by kholla12 http:///forum/post/2622971
Thats very highly priced I have two polyps of them and i didnt pay near that amount.
Ya I am pretty sure they are usually about $50 per polyp